Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Marathon Explosion

                Adding to the list of tragedies that have happened in America in the ending months of 2012, and beginning months on 2013, the Boston Marathon explosion. I’m pretty sure everyone has heard and acquired details, and have also formulated their own opinion about the horrific hardship. To those who are uninformed, there were two explosions that occurred about four hours after the Boston Marathon. As runners were crossing the finish line, the explosions took place. According to several sources, at least three individuals were killed and more than 170 individuals were injured. Of the individuals killed by the blast, was an eight year old girl. Fortunately, according to other sources, the suspects of this sad crime have been brought to light. The suspects were apparently brothers. One was shot during a gun fight between himself and police and the other was taken into custody. I’m honestly just appalled at the country/ world that we live in and call home. It’s almost as if every morning I turn on the T.V. there’s some type of breaking news and it’s never good news. The United States needs to ACT united and help make the country/ world we live in a better place for its citizen and residences. 


  1. This was one of the most saddest events i have ever seen. People were coming together to do something special and something bad happened. It's sad that it's sick people in this world like that.

  2. this was so sad and hope the suspect gets what he deserves. even though it was a tragic day the people of boston came together, stayed strong and helped those in need. it sad how many sick people there are in this world.
